Weaving the Yoga Sutra: Choosing to be happy
What is my perspective on the world? And how does it influence my ways of perceiving and being in the world? When I follow my natural tendency to move toward feeling better and away from feeling pain, does my awareness increase? Am I trying to manipulate the world to fit my expectations? Is this making me happy or unhappy? Wanting the world to please our changing desires, opinions and beliefs guarantees that we will never be happy.
This content is inspired by the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali according to the book Unravel the Thread by Ruben Vasquez available at: Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/1737648202/
#yoga #simpleyoga #yogasimple #unravelthethread #yogasutra #patanjali #patanjaliyogasutra #presence
yoga, yoga sutra,yoga philosophy, patanjali, awareness, consciousness, meditation, presence, memory, applied philosophy, yoga practice, pranayama, pratyahara, concentration, presence
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